Our sites contain solar power and on new sites moving forward this will be automatically added to our plans to reduce greenhouse gases on our development projects. This will also help to reduce energy costs for residents.
Our team conducts ecology and biodiversity reports and implement recommendations from the experts. One our sites we have Bat Boxes, to help protect this UK species. Each of our sites is unique so specific ecological designs are made.
The Alderley Group environmental policy is read by all employees within our organisation, ensuring that employees are aware of best practices and our code of conduct when it comes to all things sustainability.
Surveys are conducted on all of our sites during the planning stage. Biodiversity, ecology, protected species and noise pollution surveys are some examples of surveys conducted. Alderley Group then makes the necessary recommendations.
Each of our properties is designed with the residents in mind, but also the environment. Our homes have specialist features which improve their energy efficiency, helping to reduce greenhouse gases and energy bills for residents.
Our projects have sustainable transport choices for residents, encouraging the reduction in greenhouse gases from transportation. Cycle storage and electric charging points are available at all our locations.
The plants chosen for our projects are low vibrational, pollution and noise. This helps to reduce emissions created from plants and the noise reduction supports the ecosystem and species around our sites.
As a business that regularly works with suppliers and partners, we endeavour to ensure that the work of our suppliers is aligned with our sustainability and ethical working values.
Our reforestation project has been launched which ensures that Alderley Group are ‘planting a tree for every home we build’. This ensures that we are reducing our carbon footprint and greenhouse gases that are being added to the atmosphere. Alderley Group are working with More Trees by THG Eco to bring this project to life.
We’re here to help, and your inquiries are important to us. Whether you have questions about our affordable housing developments, selling land or wish to explore partnership opportunities, please get in touch using our contact details or fill in the form.